The Roman Road The Val D’Orcia is one of the most famous valleys in the world even though the name itself may not mean much. Tourists have travelled the Roman road called the via Cassia since the 16th century on the Grand Tour, but before them it was trod by pilgrims on their way to […]
Posts tagged "Cassia"
Grand Tour: Radicofani on the Cassia.
Following the ancient Via Cassia, our photography workshop follows the Grand Tour route. The Val d’Orcia, famous and beloved site of modern photographers and artists in Tuscany, to the traveller of yore it was just a desolate region to be got through. For nigh on a thousand years Rome had been the goal of pilgrims following the […]
Cassia, coaching inn, Francigena, Grand-Tour, medici, post house, radicofani, William Turner Orvieto