Eating Out
We don’t have breakfast in the B&B, but outdoors across the Piazza del Popolo in the charming patisserie Café Scarponi – breakfast is on us.
Picnics and Eating out
You will be invited to have lunch on the roof terrace of Patrick and Lucia Nicholas’s home in Orvieto (left).
This (right) is the view of the piazza in Sovana from one of our favourite spots for eating out in the evening. The restaurant is famous for its Tuscan specialities such as wild boar stew flavoured with juniper, picci all’agliata (fresh pasta with garlic and tomato sauce), acqua cotta (literally cooked water – a sort of substantial spinach soup), and more……
Oysters and Spumante by the lake at Vulci. If you like oysters and shell fish tell us and we’ll pick them up in Bolsena on the way through.